Accounts Company GL Amount Count of GL Entries 11010 - Petty Cash Lathrop - Distribution -500 1 11105 - B of A Funding Lathrop - Distribution 59989754.43 76357 11105 - B of A Funding Lathrop - Headquarters -3560099.61 770 11105 - B of A Funding Fairfield -7902801.5 121 11110 - B of A HQ Cash Lathrop - Headquarters 5396.93 152 11110 - Concentration Account Turlock -72493.44 7929 11120 - Payroll Clearing Turlock -1.38E-10 371 11205 - B of A Controlled Disbursement Lathrop - Distribution -74684812.29 111381 11205 - B of A Controlled Disbursement Lathrop - Headquarters -667718.69 4566 11205 - B of A Controlled Disbursement Fairfield 2858595.99 329 11205 - B of A Controlled Disbursement Turlock 2833839.32 35973 11210 - Wells Fargo Bank Lathrop - Distribution 145644.04 10 11210 - Wells Fargo Bank Lathrop - Headquarters 93.78 7 11225 - Cash - Fairfield residual Lathrop - Headquarters 0 9 11305 - B of A Payroll Lathrop - Distribution -96705.31 714 11305 - B of A Payroll Lathrop - Headquarters -141303.39 353 11305 - B of A Payroll Fairfield 492.72 32 11305 - B of A Payroll Turlock -875587.61 244 11310 - B of A HQ Payroll Lathrop - Headquarters 32544.8 211 11405 - Cash Clearing-Funding Account Fairfield 314340.9 81 11405 - Cash -others Lathrop - Distribution 9744.4 12 11410 - Cash Clearing - FF HR Lathrop - Headquarters -810.19 2 11415 - Cash Clearing - Trk HR Lathrop - Headquarters -1421.09 15 12010 - Accts Receivable-Partners Lathrop - Distribution 19147649.26 2019252 12015 - Accts Receivable-Trade Lathrop - Distribution -3923.54 24 12100 - Accounts Receivable - Misc. Lathrop - Headquarters -5900.38 23 12100 - Accts Receivable-Misc. Lathrop - Distribution 369423.55 10292 12105 - Accts Receivable-Accruals Lathrop - Distribution 2516957.48 264 12110 - AR Partner - All Fairfield -6439897.3 2020 12110 - AR Partner - All Turlock 377321.72 53957 12120 - AR Outside Customer Turlock 16182073.44 33015 12130 - AR Outside Cusomter - Glen Oaks Turlock -2.18E-11 110 12133 - AR Outside Customer - Contra - Glen Oaks Turlock 85645.99 830 12137 - AR Outside Customer - Glen Oaks Frt Turlock -143533.74 1825 12139 - AR Outside Customer - Tillamook Freight Turlock -1233.36 2929 12140 - AR Minute Maid Turlock -200753.81 119 12180 - A/R - Misc Bililng Turlock -16174.61 210 12185 - A/R - Other Turlock 33770.32 1159 12190 - Allowance for Bad Debts Turlock 140000 14 12205 - Other Receivables Turlock 116645.33 14 12210 - Rebates due from Vendors Turlock 86779.32 57 12215 - Note AR - Short Term Turlock 2899504.24 34 12350 - Clearing Account Fairfield 1577.19 5 12415 - 401(k) Loan Repayments Lathrop - Distribution 7399.53 90 12435 - 401K loan payments payable Lathrop - Headquarters -3.41E-13 179 13005 - Receiv from Shared Services Lathrop - Distribution -7484717.2 843 13030 - Receiv from Turlock Lathrop - Distribution 404136.7 1255 13035 - Loans due from Turlock Lathrop - Distribution 46368837.85 433 13040 - Turlock MTCU payable Lathrop - Distribution 101716.8 612 13045 - CCNA transfers with Turlock Lathrop - Distribution -5.12E-09 30 13050 - SSF Ice Cream Tlk payables Lathrop - Distribution -2.91E-10 80 13060 - Receivable from Lathrop Lathrop - Headquarters 7442863.8 792 13095 - Due from Turlock Lathrop - Headquarters 1932084.6 862 13100 - Lathrop Intercompany Fairfield 0 6 13100 - Lathrop Intercompany Turlock 237971.05 1650 13115 - Receiv from WestPac Lathrop - Headquarters 3.09E-13 3 13135 - Due from Turlock Lathrop - Headquarters -98782.03 15 13200 - Lathrop - Marketing & Merchandising Fairfield 11 4 13200 - Lathrop - Marketing & Merchandising Turlock -2493168.13 1201 13201 - Lathrop - Marketing MTCU Turlock 0 7 13210 - Lathrop - Headquarters Turlock -1.82E-12 11 13810 - Fairfield - Operating Turlock -9.32E-12 8 13820 - Leasing Division Intercompany Fairfield 5.82E-10 9 13900 - Turlock Intercompany Fairfield -433618.19 1 14105 - Inventory - Raw Milk Fairfield -113147.11 1288 14105 - Inventory - Raw Milk Turlock 0 5 14110 - Inventory - Organic Raw Milk Fairfield -10629.91 83 14110 - Inventory - Organic Raw Milk Turlock 0 2 14115 - Inventory - Organic Dry Condensed Fairfield -3407.66 15 14116 - Inventory - Organic Dry Condensed Accrued Receipts Fairfield -13888.8 6 14117 - Inventory - Organic Dry Condensed Accrued Production Fairfield 0 12 14205 - Inventory - Juice Concentrate Fairfield -13264.45 24 14206 - Inventory - Juice Concentrate Accrued Receipts Fairfield -117630.45 4 14207 - Inventory - Juice Concentrate Accrued Production Fairfield 0 30 14210 - Inventory - Vitamin A & D Fairfield -5773.73 15 14212 - Accrued to Production - Vitamin A & D Fairfield 0 12 14215 - Inventory - Drink Base Fairfield -3787.09 7 14215 - Inventory - Drink Base Turlock 0 2 14217 - Accrued to Production - Inventory Drink Base Fairfield 813.16 7 14220 - Inventory - Tampico Base Fairfield -31732.5 6 14222 - Inventory - Tampico Base Accrued to Production Fairfield 4620 11 14225 - Inventory - HFCS Fairfield -3728.72 13 14226 - Accrued Receipts - HFCS Fairfield -12790.55 3 14227 - Accrued to Production - HFCS Fairfield 4088.44 17 14230 - Ingredients - Egg Nog Base Fairfield -58600.86 12 14231 - Accrued Receipts - Egg Nog Base Inv. Fairfield -544.5 1 14232 - Accrued to Production - Egg Nog Base Inv. Fairfield 15599.76 3 14240 - Inventory - Sodium Benzoate Fairfield -776.38 5 14242 - Inventory - Sodium Benzoate Accrued Production Fairfield 36.38 7 "14245 - Inventory - Xan, PBen, PSor" Fairfield -3032.5 11 "14246 - Inventory - Xan, PBen, PSor Accrued Receipts" Fairfield 0 2 "14247 - Inventory - Xan, PBen, PSor Accrued Production" Fairfield 304 11 14250 - Inventory - Ascorbic Acid Fairfield -6884.55 10 14251 - Inventory - Ascorbic Acid Accrued Receipts Fairfield 0 2 14252 - Inventory - Ascorbic Acid Accrued Production Fairfield 185.33 11 14260 - Inventory - Sugar Fairfield 4070.12 4 14261 - Inventory - Sugar Accrued Receipts Fairfield -14644.04 2 14305 - Resin Fairfield -56385.59 227 14306 - Resin Inv. - Accrued Receipts Fairfield -31765.52 10 14307 - Resin Inv. - Issued to Production Fairfield 22439.62 354 14310 - Paper Cartons Fairfield -42366.68 160 14311 - Paper Cartons - Accrued Receipts Fairfield -32958.39 22 14312 - Paper Cartons - Issued to Production Fairfield 5275.05 149 14320 - Paper Cartons Juice Fairfield -67574.4 18 14321 - Paper Cartons Juice - Accrued Receipts del Fairfield -260.01 2 14322 - Paper Cartons Juice - Accrued Production del Fairfield -2.27E-13 14 14325 - Caps Regular Fairfield -21699.49 276 14326 - Caps Regular - Accrued Receipts Fairfield -20005.92 12 14327 - Caps Regular - Accrued Production Fairfield 3300.4 362 14345 - Fitment Caps H&H del Fairfield -29412.23 61 14347 - Fitment Caps H&H - Accrued Production del Fairfield 224.16 57 14350 - Labels Fairfield -39083.49 244 14351 - Labels - Accured Receipts Fairfield -3472 6 14352 - Labels - Accured Production Fairfield 1643.55 339 14405 - Inventory - Finished Products Fairfield 82131.4 10554 14405 - Inventory - Finished Products Turlock -2.27E-13 24 14406 - Inventory - Finished Products Accrued Receipts Fairfield -55942.3 27 14408 - Inventory - Finished Products Accrued Sales Fairfield -367524.99 12749 14410 - Inventory - Finished Products Producers Fairfield 70215.31 1002 14411 - Inventory - Finished Products Producers Accrued Recipts Fairfield -2.27E-12 12 14705 - FF IIP - Picklist Fairfield -366303.59 608 14720 - FF IIP – Report as Finished Fairfield 367524.99 574 15040 - Cross Dock chain 11 Lathrop - Distribution -1648.28 100584 15075 - Cross Dock chain 18 Lathrop - Distribution 57.86 1180 15080 - Cross-dock Turlock packaging Lathrop - Distribution -10.25 1227 15100 - Cross Dock chain 24 Lathrop - Distribution 1.9 8 15110 - Inventory - Milk Turlock 402867.61 251138 15112 - Accrued Production - Milk Turlock -109521.35 38409 15120 - Inventory - Reclaim Turlock 2740.91 18495 15122 - Accrued Production - Reclaim Turlock 2.49E-11 5773 15130 - Inventory - Cream Turlock 501123.96 241779 15132 - Accrued Production - Cream Turlock -203867.69 40893 15140 - Inventory - Condensed Turlock 134806.8 205088 15142 - Accrued Production - Condensed Turlock -38166.45 28896 15150 - Inventory - Skim Turlock 2904.94 40854 15151 - Accrued Receipts - Skim Turlock 0 7 15152 - Accrued Production - Skim Turlock -2170.21 21371 15160 - Inventory - Organic Milk Turlock 10910.89 2151 15162 - Accrued Production - Organic Milk Turlock -9874.4 1035 15170 - Inventory - Organic Skim Turlock -34170.51 2729 15171 - Accrued Receipts - Organic Skim Turlock 42878.26 426 15172 - Accrued Production - Organic Skim Turlock -8707.75 1372 15200 - Inventory-Dry Grocery Lathrop - Distribution -10506094.74 176 15205 - Purchases-Dry Grocery Lathrop - Distribution -29033783.9 151258 15210 - Ingredients - Cottage Cheese Turlock -49984.75 4318 15210 - Inventory Sold-Dry Grocery Lathrop - Distribution 34478514.24 704123 15211 - Accrued Receipts - Cc Ing Turlock 23785.26 1523 15212 - Accrued Production - Cc Ing Turlock -1.06 6056 15215 - Ingredients - Sour Cream Turlock -68771.66 4854 15215 - Inventory Adjs-Dry Grocery Lathrop - Distribution -294964.08 516650 15216 - Accrued Receipts - Sc Ing Turlock 236138.4 3617 15217 - Accrued Production - Sc Ing Turlock -30228.32 5773 15220 - Ingredients - Yogurt Turlock -54303.14 20921 15220 - Inventory-Frozen Grocery Lathrop - Distribution -5521743.58 175 15221 - Accrued Receipts - Yg Ing Turlock 268480.25 6134 15222 - Accrued Production - Yg Ing Turlock -16844.91 35196 15225 - Ingredients - Bottling Turlock 15005.44 14288 15225 - Purchases-Frozen Grocery Lathrop - Distribution -4510090.07 42694 15226 - Accrued Receipts - Bt Ing Turlock 240249.09 7501 15227 - Accrued Production - Bt Ing Turlock -17411.56 22329 15228 - Accrued Sales - Bt Ing Turlock 0 4 15230 - Ingredients - Ice Cream Turlock 683817.04 22781 15230 - Inventory Sold-Frozen Grocery Lathrop - Distribution 8033773.35 827907 15231 - Accrued Receipts - Ic Ing Turlock 971109.66 22132 15232 - Accrued Production - Ic Ing Turlock -99736.87 34014 15233 - Accrued Sales - Ic Ing Turlock 0 10 15235 - Ingredients - Juice Turlock -143950.59 1101 15235 - Inventory Adjs-Frozen Grocery Lathrop - Distribution -144131.61 385753 15236 - Accrued Receipts - Jc Ing Turlock 6.55E-11 536 15237 - Accrued Production - Jc Ing Turlock -2.91E-11 1451 15280 - Ingredients - Common Turlock -251420.12 12090 15281 - Accrued Receipts - Com Ing Turlock 353406.09 2486 15282 - Accrued Production - Com Ing Turlock -29467.99 33255 15310 - Packaging - Cottage Cheese Turlock -2818.86 9790 15311 - Accrued Receipts - Cc Pkg Turlock 9865.56 551 15312 - Accrued Production - Cc Pkg Turlock -168.55 15597 15313 - Accrued Sales - Cc Pkg Turlock 0 2 15315 - Packaging - Sour Cream Turlock 86334.88 16587 15316 - Accrued Receipts - Sc Pkg Turlock 240320.46 7347 15317 - Accrued Production - Sc Pkg Turlock -13349.67 31179 15320 - Packaging - Yogurt Turlock 159162.9 66286 15321 - Accrued Receipts - Yg Pkg Turlock 50131.75 4059 15322 - Accrued Production - Yg Pkg Turlock -11389.01 142565 15325 - Packaging - Bottling Turlock 16766.23 59079 15326 - Accrued Receipts - Bt Pkg Turlock 351751.77 9048 15327 - Accrued Production - Bt Pkg Turlock -41138.73 119755 15328 - Accrued Sales - Bt Pkg Turlock 0 4 15330 - Packaging - Ice Cream Turlock 706120.69 41731 15331 - Accrued Receipts - Ic Pkg Turlock 704345.76 5505 15332 - Accrued Production - Ic Pkg Turlock -61465.62 24466 15333 - Accrued Sales - Ic Pkg Turlock 0 4 15335 - Packaging - Juice Turlock -37742.84 13890 15336 - Accrued Receipts - Jc Pkg Turlock -30533.81 2425 15337 - Accrued Production - Jc Pkg Turlock -660.88 69541 15340 - Inventory-LIFO Reserve Lathrop - Distribution -9548973 64 15345 - Loss Reserves Lathrop - Distribution -13688.72 1 15380 - Packaging Common Turlock -63374.75 50016 15381 - Accrued Receipts - Com Pkg Turlock 20082.18 1915 15382 - Accrued Production - Com Pkg Turlock -742.51 157582 15383 - Accrued Sales - Com Pkg Turlock 0 4364 15390 - Reserve for Obsolete Inventory - Culture Turlock 61000 7 15391 - Reserve for Obsolete Inventory - Ice Cream Turlock 76000 5 15505 - IIP - Picklist Turlock 967899.33 432298 15510 - IIP - Route Card Turlock 61797.81 88957 15520 - IIP - Report as Finished Turlock -1327191.65 262124 15570 - Finished Mix Inventory Turlock 280430.46 67301 15571 - Accrued Receipts - Finished Mix Inventory Turlock 6.24 96 15572 - Accrued Production - Finished Mix Inventory Turlock 206573.46 116819 15710 - Finished Goods - Cottage Cheese Turlock 2502.39 59180 15712 - Accrued Production - Cc Fg Turlock -7.28E-11 13409 15713 - Accrued Sales - Cc Fg Turlock -1.61E-11 96514 15715 - Finished Goods - Sour Cream Turlock 348400.49 54911 15717 - Accrued Production - Sc Fg Turlock 183081.85 18124 15718 - Accrued Sales - Sc Fg Turlock 0.01 93556 15720 - Finished Goods - Yogurt Turlock 33042.74 94956 15722 - Accrued Production - Yg Fg Turlock 64911.99 55869 15723 - Accrued Sales - Yg Fg Turlock -3.39E-11 106247 15725 - Finished Goods - Bottle Line Turlock -4531.94 26368 15727 - Accrued Production - Bt Fg Turlock 111395.61 41958 15728 - Accrued Sales - Bt Fg Turlock -2.55E-11 22380 15730 - Finished Goods - Ice Cream Turlock 948383.37 39195 15731 - Accrued Receipts - Ic Fg Turlock 4.00E-10 811 15732 - Accrued Production - Ic Fg Turlock 429621.57 25147 15733 - Accrued Sales - Ic Fg Turlock 1.20E-10 20238 15735 - Finished Goods - Juice Turlock 1457284.06 1170984 15736 - Accrued Receipts - Jc Fg Turlock -57148.13 30924 15737 - Accrued Production - Jc Fg Turlock 33481.96 70646 15738 - Accrued Sales - Jc Fg Turlock 2.03E-11 49865 15790 - Reserve for Obsolete Inventory Turlock -36912.51 110 15815 - Purchased Finished Goods Inventory - Other Turlock -288998.82 66440 15816 - Accrued Receipts - Other Purch Fg Turlock 327316.54 17587 15818 - Accrued Sales - Other Pruch Fg Turlock -1.38E-10 101820 15911 - OH - Cc Fg Turlock 8265.35 59 15912 - OH offset - Cc Fg Turlock 5335 36 15915 - OH - Sc Fg Turlock 12582.2 59 15916 - OH offset - Sc Fg Turlock -4766 36 15920 - OH - Yg Fg Turlock 32056.05 59 15921 - OH offset - Yg Fg Turlock 12615 35 15925 - OH - Bt Fg Turlock 18879.48 59 15926 - OH offset - Bt Fg Turlock 7642 35 15930 - OH - Ic Fg Turlock 179711.58 63 15931 - OH offset - Ic Fg Turlock 21244 37 15935 - OH - Jc Fg Turlock 0 2 16010 - Whse Parts & Supplies Lathrop - Distribution -319086.28 4 16100 - Ice Packaging Supplies Lathrop - Distribution 156519.12 142 16110 - Equipment Repair Parts Fairfield -1799264.37 1 16110 - Equipment Repair Parts Turlock 1355304.18 40 16120 - Truck Repair Parts Fairfield -378754.98 1 16150 - Fuel - Diesel Turlock 46497.61 99 17000 - Prepaid Expenses Lathrop - Headquarters 0 12 17105 - Prepaid Insurance Coll Casualty Lathrop - Headquarters 1742359.18 98 17105 - Prepaid Insurance-General Lathrop - Distribution -52853 18 17110 - Prepaid WC Prem Invoices Lathrop - Distribution 0 2 17110 - Real Property Tax Turlock -445523.65 111 17115 - Prepaid Insurance Coll Company 100 Lathrop - Headquarters -633265 74 17120 - Insurance Turlock -25503 31 17125 - Prepaid Insurance Coll Company 810 Lathrop - Headquarters 369218 3 17130 - Prepaid Insurance Coll Company 900 Lathrop - Headquarters -657453 67 17145 - Prepaid WC Coll Company Lathrop - Headquarters -373349 9 17150 - Prepaid WC Coll Company 100 Lathrop - Headquarters 790634.26 18 17155 - Prepaid WC Coll Company 200 Lathrop - Headquarters 58371.48 16 17160 - Prepaid WC Coll Company 810 Lathrop - Headquarters 344632.22 1 17165 - Prepaid WC Coll Company 900 Lathrop - Headquarters 284983.63 16 17170 - WC Payments 100 Lathrop - Headquarters -880426.22 16 17180 - WC Payments 810 Lathrop - Headquarters -201408.63 6 17185 - WC Payments 900 Lathrop - Headquarters -80346.29 14 17190 - Prepaid - Other Turlock 234009.15 16 17221 - Yogurt - SSF Pkg Redesign Turlock -3884.33 2 17231 - Ice Cream - SSF Pkg Redesign Turlock -9223.73 2 17300 - Prepaid Health Insurance Lathrop - Distribution 0 2 17310 - Auto Licenses Fairfield 0 2 17400 - Prepaid Property Taxes Lathrop - Distribution -429030.21 74 17700 - Prepaid Legal/Loan Fee Lathrop - Distribution -58238 8 17715 - Ppd 2012 BofA Loan Fees Lathrop - Distribution -687.38 1 17725 - Prepaid License Fee Lathrop - Headquarters -193948.37 134 17730 - Prepaid Accounting Fees Lathrop - Headquarters 0 2 17900 - Other Prepaid Expenses Lathrop - Distribution 5.82E-11 33 17900 - Other Prepaid Expenses Lathrop - Headquarters 0 14 18105 - Accrue Inv Adj - Physical Lathrop - Distribution -57.71999999 202698 18115 - Accrue Inv Adj - Dry Lathrop - Distribution 0 2 18120 - Inv Adj Clrg-Froz Phys Lathrop - Distribution -4.55E-12 139 18140 - Ice Inventory prepaid Lathrop - Distribution 18613.15 2052 18150 - Accrue Inv Adj - Frozen Lathrop - Distribution 0 2 18155 - Priya bk/act adj dry Lathrop - Distribution 24213.57 105 18160 - Priya bk/act adj frz Lathrop - Distribution -4.77E-11 83 18165 - Priya/H&S bk/bk adj dry Lathrop - Distribution 507924.37 117 18170 - Priya/H&S bk/bk adj frz Lathrop - Distribution -7.28E-12 113 18200 - Inv Adj-Selector Adj Lathrop - Distribution -308023.95 432860 18205 - Inv Adj-Penalty Box Lathrop - Distribution -1380.54 23492 18210 - Inv Adj-Whse Outs Lathrop - Distribution 115392.77 26649 18215 - Inv Adj-Pallet/Slot Lathrop - Distribution -2545.87 464 18220 - Inv Adj-Requested Counts Lathrop - Distribution 4776.88 2102 18225 - Inv Adj-Balancing Lathrop - Distribution 200836.41 16916 18230 - Inv Adj-On Reverses Lathrop - Distribution -3287.43 600 18235 - Inv Adj-Special Lathrop - Distribution 1337.79 10045 18240 - Inv Adj-Cycle Counts Lathrop - Distribution 67206.42 81509 18245 - Inv Adj-Selector Adj Lathrop - Distribution -267581.2 352123 18250 - Inv Adj-Penalty Box Lathrop - Distribution 54683.84 6090 18255 - Inv Adj-Whse Outs Lathrop - Distribution 27484.49 15132 18260 - Inv Adj-Pallet/Slot Lathrop - Distribution 7.96E-13 107 18265 - Inv Adj-Requested Counts Lathrop - Distribution 18938.83 3446 18270 - Inv Adj-Balancing Lathrop - Distribution 126896.45 5492 18275 - Inv Adj-On Reverses Lathrop - Distribution -3527.64 841 18280 - Inv Adj-Special Lathrop - Distribution -3690.65 2068 18285 - Inv Adj-Cycle Counts Lathrop - Distribution 26924.8 1646 18710 - Vendor Receiving Suspense Lathrop - Distribution -19114.96 3 19215 - Note AR - Long Term Turlock 19118272.6 75 20000 - FIXED ASSETS Lathrop - Headquarters 0 2 20110 - Dry Warehouse Building Lathrop - Distribution 1157271.18 12 20110 - Land Turlock 1079659.24 5 20115 - Frz Warehouse Building Lathrop - Distribution 618910.63 8 20120 - Buildings Turlock 12831547.49 8 20120 - Truck Garage Lathrop - Distribution 37342.32 1 20125 - Dry Machinery & Equip Lathrop - Distribution 1561290.07 25 20125 - Site Improvements Turlock -133700.02 2 20130 - Frz Machinery & Equip Lathrop - Distribution 148975.76 2 20130 - Machinery & Equipment Turlock 7636881.87 69 20135 - Capital Leases Turlock -176703.29 2 20135 - Ice Plant Equipment Lathrop - Distribution 1253180.07 6 20140 - Tractors Turlock 57315.09 3 20145 - Computer Equip. & Software Lathrop - Headquarters 713049.88 20 20145 - Vehicles Turlock 1042426 9 20150 - Computer Equip & Software Turlock 3691.16 3 20160 - Furniture & Fixtures Lathrop - Distribution 44454.81 1 20160 - Furniture & Fixtures Turlock -65650.47 2 20165 - Vehicles Lathrop - Distribution 216810.92 1 20168 - Land Improvements Lathrop - Distribution 306330 16 20170 - F/A Curr Year Acquisitions Lathrop - Distribution 790292.9 163 20170 - F/A Curr Year Acquistions Lathrop - Headquarters 173255.82 16 20170 - Land Imporvements Turlock 0 4 20205 - Capital Leases Lathrop - Headquarters -372661.63 3 20305 - CCNA-Turlock project Lathrop - Distribution -115300 34 20305 - Upgrade PRIYA Whse Mgmt Sys Lathrop - Headquarters 0 4 20310 - CCNA-LOC capitalized interest Lathrop - Distribution -2.91E-11 18 20315 - Turlock-Road&Parking Lot Lathrop - Distribution -2.33E-10 23 20317 - Tlk-CCNA startup costs Lathrop - Distribution 2.91E-10 27 20350 - 2019 Freezer roof repair Lathrop - Distribution 0 2 20375 - Dry Whse Racking Expa Lathrop - Distribution -2.91E-11 4 20375 - Hardware(server) replace Lathrop - Headquarters -74811.12 4 20380 - Clean-in-Place upgrade Lathrop - Headquarters -192272.84 3 20385 - Whse Vocollect upgrade Lathrop - Headquarters 0 5 20390 - 2018 Security gates upgrade Lathrop - Distribution 0 2 20395 - 2018 Ice Room Palletizer Lathrop - Distribution 0 13 20400 - 2019 Whse Breakroom Remodel Lathrop - Distribution 0 6 20410 - 2019 Terminal Tractor Lathrop - Distribution 0 7 21005 - Accum Deprec-Whse Building Lathrop - Distribution -4424276.94 84 21010 - Accum Deprec-Frozen Building Lathrop - Distribution -1946269.03 93 21015 - Accum Deprec-Truck Garage Lathrop - Distribution -224128.47 60 21020 - Accum Deprec-Dry Mach & Equip Lathrop - Distribution -1301741.88 69 21030 - Accum Deprec-Frz Mach & Equip Lathrop - Distribution -348550.23 53 21035 - Accum Deprec-Ice Plant Equip Lathrop - Distribution -406267.02 68 21040 - Accum Deprec - Computer/Softw Lathrop - Headquarters -2143131.53 71 21045 - Accum Deprec-Whse Comp Eq Lathrop - Distribution -22615.39 55 21050 - Accum Deprec - Furn & Fixtures Lathrop - Headquarters -1.14E-13 11 21050 - Accum Deprec-Furn & Fixtures Lathrop - Distribution -24948.79 41 21060 - Accum Deprec-Vehicles Lathrop - Distribution -291703.07 67 21120 - Accu Depr - Buildings Turlock -2185419.96 68 21125 - Accu Depr -Site Improvements Turlock 108679.17 27 21130 - Accu Depr - Machinery & Equipment Turlock -3916173.33 72 21135 - Accu Depr - Capital Leases Turlock 176703.29 2 21140 - Accu Depr - Tractors Turlock -379653.67 32 21145 - Accu Depr - Vehicles Turlock -531518 37 21150 - Accu Depr - Computer Equip & Software Turlock -38155.74 67 21160 - Accu Depr - Furniture & Fixtures Turlock 15751.6 2 21170 - Accu Depr - Land Imporvements Turlock 548 6 25110 - Construction in Progress Turlock 5.70E-11 119 25111 - Construction in Progress - Turlock Turlock 2119976.81 660 39000 - OTHER ASSETS Lathrop - Headquarters 0 2 39100 - Organizational Costs Lathrop - Headquarters -19218 1 39105 - Accum Amort-Organization Cost Lathrop - Headquarters 19218 1 39405 - Other Long Term Assets Lathrop - Headquarters 228065.22 69 39500 - Long Term Deposit Lathrop - Headquarters 132285.19 4 40105 - Accounts Payable- Grocery Lathrop - Headquarters 0 2 40105 - Accounts Payable-Grocery Lathrop - Distribution -1302534.96 663629 40110 - Accounts Payable-Frozen Lathrop - Distribution -8025632.23 130995 40120 - Open Receiving-Grocery Lathrop - Distribution 12074872.85 39751 40125 - Open Receiving-Frozen Lathrop - Distribution 5623046.66 10457 40135 - Aged Open Receiving Lathrop - Distribution -2173958.88 6023 40140 - Aged Open Recvg-Frozen Lathrop - Distribution 154652.93 113 40150 - IDS rounding-dry Lathrop - Distribution 18705.95 29533 40155 - IDS rounding-frz Lathrop - Distribution 836.68 3118 40160 - Accounts Payable - Trade Lathrop - Headquarters -75902.28 10804 40165 - Accruals Other Lathrop - Headquarters -536212.33 190 40170 - 2012 class action lawsuit Lathrop - Headquarters -1.75E-10 3 40175 - Stub period close Lathrop - Headquarters 0 11 40180 - Fairfield-Workers Comp res Lathrop - Headquarters -5.82E-11 9 40200 - Accounts Payable - Other Lathrop - Headquarters -0.9 12 40200 - Accounts Payable-Other Lathrop - Distribution 380541.93 223 40201 - A/P - Cig Wires Out Lathrop - Distribution -41067.9 1 40202 - A/P - Cig Wires In Lathrop - Distribution -7575.78 1 40203 - A/P Deduction Recoveries Lathrop - Distribution 20340.64 1 40210 - 2012 A/P Audit Recoveries Lathrop - Distribution 0 2 40215 - 2014 A/P Audit Recoveries B Lathrop - Distribution 0 2 40216 - 2015 A/P Audit Recoveries B Lathrop - Distribution 346338.09 7 40217 - 2015 A/P Audit Recoveries B Lathrop - Distribution 0 6 40218 - 2016 A/P Audit Recoveries Lathrop - Distribution 933002.08 19 40219 - 2016 A/P Audit Recoveries B Lathrop - Distribution -2.91E-11 26 40220 - 2017 A/P Audit Recoveries Lathrop - Distribution 8.28E-11 201 40221 - 2020 A/P Audit Recoveries Lathrop - Distribution -1152298.42 7738 40222 - 2021 A/P Audit Recoveries Lathrop - Distribution -1073157.52 6895 40233 - Workers Comp Payable Lathrop - Headquarters -1.82E-12 5 40236 - Turlock CCNA (on SSI) Lathrop - Distribution -47545 1 40240 - Health - IBNR Lathrop - Headquarters 3363505.49 21 40310 - IDS error transactions Lathrop - Distribution 567.62 1 40320 - Outstanding Checks-Controlled Disbursements Lathrop - Distribution 2801364.39 156 40320 - Outstanding Checks-Controlled Disbursements Lathrop - Headquarters 222471.58 120 40330 - Payroll Outstanding Checks Lathrop - Distribution -23370.48 61 40500 - Pickup Allowances Lathrop - Distribution 0 4 40501 - Backhaul Rounding Lathrop - Distribution -12486.7 22140 40502 - Backhaul Rev Lathrop - Distribution -71.58 5 40503 - Backhaul Rev-Ozark Lathrop - Distribution -6855.77 9737 40504 - Backhaul Rev-Smart Lathrop - Distribution -304.26 4399 40505 - Backhaul Rev-Other Carriers Lathrop - Distribution 24843.84 450 40506 - Freight Bill Expense Lathrop - Distribution 740003.35 59090 41100 - Wages Payable Lathrop - Headquarters 397076.72 20 41105 - Incentive accrual Lathrop - Headquarters -353013.29 101 41105 - Mgmt incentive accrual Lathrop - Distribution -88468.82 56 41110 - Trade Payable Fairfield -6515032.36 640 41110 - Trade Payable Turlock -398667.16 98438 41115 - Payroll Tax Payable-EE & ER Lathrop - Distribution -5.01E-11 154 41115 - Payroll Tax Payable-EE & ER Lathrop - Headquarters -263727.41 212 41115 - Payroll Tax Payable-EE & ER Turlock -3.14E-11 138 41120 - FICA Payable -EE Lathrop - Headquarters 0 4 41120 - Unvouchered Payable Fairfield 271806.34 69 41120 - Unvouchered Payable Turlock -3982442.29 93331 41130 - Manual Accrual Fairfield 22830.44 1 41130 - Manual Accrual Turlock -492669 1546 41140 - Bulk Dairy Payable Fairfield 7342974.41 412 41140 - Bulk Dairy Payable Turlock -833193.34 189630 41141 - Accrued Reclaim Receipts Turlock -3478.62 38055 41142 - Accrued Cream Receipts Turlock -1128330.46 181838 41143 - Accrued Condensed Receipts Fairfield 253638.45 12 41143 - Accrued Condensed Receipts Turlock -313006.93 156490 41144 - Bulk Organic Dairy Payable Fairfield 1124966.3 42 41144 - Bulk Organic Dairy Payable Turlock -12770.9 3113 41160 - A/P Other Fairfield 283.34 1 41200 - FUTA Payable Lathrop - Headquarters 0 76 41205 - SUI Payable Lathrop - Headquarters 0 76 41210 - SDI Payable Lathrop - Headquarters 0 87 41215 - Fed W/H Payable Lathrop - Headquarters 4.55E-13 87 41220 - State W/H Payable Lathrop - Headquarters 1.14E-13 89 41225 - CRV Payable Fairfield 39288.92 1370 41225 - CRV Payable Turlock 1300 959 41230 - Sugar Tax Oakland Fairfield 2601.4 11 41325 - Unum voluntary benefits Lathrop - Distribution 26924.57 86 41325 - Unum voluntary benefits Lathrop - Headquarters 46187.7 53 41335 - FSA/HSA Benefit Payable Lathrop - Distribution -3489.33 83 41335 - FSA/HSA Benefit Payable Lathrop - Headquarters -1517.33 76 41335 - FSA/HSA Benefit Payable Turlock -4151.29 74 41340 - Payroll Clearing-FSA HCare Lathrop - Headquarters 3.64E-12 3 41355 - Voluntary Life Lathrop - Distribution 50640.52 19 41355 - Voluntary Life Lathrop - Headquarters -2.27E-13 34 41364 - Flex Spending - Claims Paid Lathrop - Headquarters 4565 19 41380 - Retiree Medical Fairfield 25683.74 1 41400 - Health Ins Expense Clearing Lathrop - Headquarters -1436968.03 853 41405 - 401k ER and EE Payable Lathrop - Distribution -186538.75 290 41405 - 401K EE and ER Payable Lathrop - Headquarters -422038.1 169 41405 - 401K EE and ER Payable Turlock -170106.23 99 41411 - Gr West - EE Contribution Lathrop - Headquarters 4.55E-12 181 41412 - Gr West - ER Contribution Lathrop - Headquarters 9.09E-13 177 41415 - 401(k) ER 1/Hr Contrib Lathrop - Distribution 60 4 41416 - 401(k) ER 1/Hr Contrib Lathrop - Headquarters 0 91 41420 - Roth EE Payable (DONT USE) Lathrop - Distribution -234.39 90 41420 - Roth EE Payable (DONT USE) Lathrop - Headquarters 0 86 41425 - Vacation Accrual Lathrop - Distribution -290627.08 21 41425 - Vacation Accrual Lathrop - Headquarters -167446.37 20 41445 - Garnishment Payable Lathrop - Distribution -766.02 195 41445 - Garnishment Payable Lathrop - Headquarters 0 26 41445 - Garnishment Payable Turlock 0 104 41450 - Workers Comp Payable Lathrop - Headquarters 50000 3 41451 - WC 02-03 Loss Reserve Lathrop - Distribution -81023 1 41452 - WC 03-04 Loss Reserve Lathrop - Distribution -57467 2 41453 - WC 04-05 Loss Reserve Lathrop - Distribution -52192 2 41454 - WC 05-06 Loss Reserve Lathrop - Distribution -959 2 41455 - WC 06-07 Loss Reserve Lathrop - Distribution 11587 2 41456 - WC 07-08 Loss Reserve Lathrop - Distribution -13260 2 41457 - WC 08-09 Loss Reserve Lathrop - Distribution 11583 2 41458 - WC 09-10 Loss Reserve Lathrop - Distribution 10978 2 41459 - WC 10-11 Loss Reserve Lathrop - Distribution 5368 2 41460 - WC 11-12 Loss Reserve Lathrop - Distribution 67925 1 41461 - WC 12-13 Loss Reserve Lathrop - Distribution 260137 2 41462 - WC 13-14 Loss Reserve Lathrop - Distribution 734587 6 41463 - WC 14-15 Loss Reserve Lathrop - Distribution 429504 4 41464 - WC 15-16 Loss Reserve Lathrop - Distribution 145161 4 41465 - WC 16-17 Loss Reserve Lathrop - Distribution 0 4 41490 - W.C. Accrual Lathrop - Headquarters -5232936.11 430 41600 - Sales Tax Payable Lathrop - Distribution 34028.15 4 41602 - Cash Disc Payback Reserve VV Lathrop - Distribution 559460.64 13 41608 - Accrue CRV Lathrop - Distribution -187050.79 228178 41610 - CRV 2010 Food Mktg Group Lathrop - Distribution 168 9 41614 - Processing Fees Lathrop - Distribution -1400.63 39 41622 - Reserve for CRV Payable Lathrop - Distribution 44283.92 304 41624 - Interest Payable Lathrop - Distribution 170213.59 52 41626 - Cigarette Tax Payable Lathrop - Distribution 14805.56 1 41630 - Accrued Payroll Expenses Lathrop - Distribution -1183 25 41630 - Accrued Payroll Expenses Lathrop - Headquarters -76335 10 41631 - Suspense - Other Lathrop - Headquarters 0 4 41632 - Ice Marketing Fees Lathrop - Distribution -591.6 31210 41634 - Partner Chain Freight Payable Lathrop - Distribution -19045.85 577519 41670 - Sugar Tax Payable Lathrop - Distribution -784390.42 6390 41672 - Sugar Tax Payments Lathrop - Distribution 721911.7 72 41674 - Accrued Audit Fees Lathrop - Distribution 0 4 41700 - Non-partner Freight Payable Lathrop - Distribution 154.9 1 41702 - Non-ptnr SMART freight Lathrop - Distribution -94.32 8 41710 - Accruals Other Lathrop - Distribution -56552.41 371 41712 - Cott/Raley's/Soda Machine Lathrop - Distribution 0 2 41713 - Aged PO's / Raley's bakery Lathrop - Distribution -6.55E-11 2273 41715 - S.S. SODA CLRG Lathrop - Distribution -386.59 17 41716 - NME CLRG Lathrop - Distribution -17042.58 3 41717 - Credits Due Grocery Vendors Lathrop - Distribution -1707075.55 20930 41718 - Capstone/Lmg Lathrop - Distribution -712.27 10283 41719 - Revenue Share accruals Lathrop - Distribution -200961.75 129 41720 - GPS fees - J Stewart Lathrop - Distribution 22750 90 41723 - Nestle Foods-Bill Back Lathrop - Distribution -119825.22 1056 41724 - Holiday/Show Book Rev/Exp Lathrop - Distribution -56490.66 247 41725 - Kraft Retail-Bill Back Lathrop - Distribution -43030.1 1381 41727 - Post-Bill Back Lathrop - Distribution 111.13 24 41728 - Vendor Missed Appts Lathrop - Distribution 45700 1029 41732 - Food-other Lathrop - Distribution 5163.92 7 41733 - Accrue Idealease Rebill Lathrop - Distribution -180.73 108 41800 - Fee Reduction Program Lathrop - Distribution -7183257.25 32 41802 - Raleys 13c Fee Reduct Lathrop - Distribution 1817819.09 8245 41804 - Raleys Lathrop - Distribution -5.82E-11 8 41806 - Save Mart 13c Fee Reduct Lathrop - Distribution 1835747.08 8155 41808 - Bel Air 13c Fee Reduct Lathrop - Distribution 492374.18 2131 41810 - Bel Air Lathrop - Distribution 0 8 41812 - Food Maxx 13c Fee Reduct Lathrop - Distribution 1943376.49 5182 41814 - Food Source 13c Fee Reduct Lathrop - Distribution 150009.73 509 41816 - Food Source Lathrop - Distribution 0 8 41818 - Nob Hill 13c Fee Reduct Lathrop - Distribution 471029.62 1987 41820 - Nob Hill Lathrop - Distribution 0 8 41822 - Luckys 13c Fee Reduct Lathrop - Distribution 1597602.36 7000 42010 - Retl Coll Clg-Raley's Lathrop - Distribution -404339.83 152240 42015 - Retl Coll Clg-Save Mart Lathrop - Distribution 1891780.19 117043 42110 - FICA Payable Fairfield 0 4 42110 - FICA Payable Turlock 2.38E-11 222 42111 - FICA-Employee Fairfield 0 4 42111 - FICA-Employee Turlock 8.95E-12 222 42112 - FUTA Payable Fairfield 0 4 42112 - FUTA Payable Turlock 14.57 150 42113 - SUI (CA) Payable Fairfield 0 4 42113 - SUI (CA) Payable Turlock -14.57 213 42114 - SDI Payable Fairfield 0 4 42114 - SDI Payable Turlock 0 159 42115 - FIT Payable Fairfield 0 4 42115 - FIT Payable Turlock -5.24E-12 157 42116 - SIT Payable Fairfield 0 4 42116 - SIT Payable Turlock -3.64E-12 156 42117 - Unum Voluntary Benefits Fairfield 1731.63 4 42117 - Unum Voluntary Benefits Turlock 2684.18 40 42210 - Flex Benefits-Child Care Fairfield 4878.98 1 42210 - Flex Benefits-Child Care Turlock -19642.12 12 42211 - Flex Benefits-Health Care Turlock 6906.91 56 42215 - Garnishments Payable Fairfield 0 4 42217 - Fringe Benefit Payable Lathrop - Distribution -199881.04 100 42217 - Fringe Benefit Payable Lathrop - Headquarters -32370.42 86 42217 - Fringe Benefit Payable Fairfield 17665.03 2 42217 - Fringe Benefit Payable Turlock -152050.27 166 42250 - 401K Voluntary (Don't use) Fairfield 121.08 6 42251 - 401K Employer Contribution (Don't use) Fairfield 294.84 9 42252 - 401(k) Employer 1/Hr Contrib Fairfield 0 4 42253 - Roth IRA Fairfield -1577.19 6 42310 - Fringe Benefit Accrual Turlock 702583.49 25 42311 - Vacation/Sick Leave Accrual Fairfield 323780 1 42311 - Vacation/Sick Leave Accrual Turlock 158681.4 15 42410 - Accrued Payroll/Incentives Fairfield 555952 1 42410 - Accrued Payroll/Incentives Turlock -147610.77 89 42420 - Accrued-Salary Turlock 302161.5 50 42430 - Accrued Vacation Turlock -461625.34 264 42440 - Worker's Comp Payable Fairfield 0 3 43001 - ConAgra Unsaleables Lathrop - Distribution -4310.1 83 43002 - Sun Products Unsaleables Lathrop - Distribution 431.92 2 43003 - Hillshire Unsaleables Lathrop - Distribution 6696.91 14 43004 - Dry Kelloggs Unsaleables Lathrop - Distribution -11354.25 108 43005 - Schwan Food Company Lathrop - Distribution 707.72 30 43006 - General Mills Unsaleables Lathrop - Distribution -5103.7 116 43007 - Frz Kelloggs Unsaleables Lathrop - Distribution -3460.57 56 43008 - Coke/Minute Maid Unsaleables Lathrop - Distribution 2240.28 53 43009 - Del Monte Unsaleables Lathrop - Distribution -770.65 55 43010 - JM Smucker Unsaleables Lathrop - Distribution -3580.21 59 43012 - Nestle/PurPetCare Unsaleables Lathrop - Distribution 26779.65 83 43013 - Nestle USA Unsaleables Lathrop - Distribution 38848.2 90 43014 - P&G Spoilage Allowance Lathrop - Distribution 12727.5 79 43015 - Unilever Unsaleables Lathrop - Distribution -14503.6 116 43016 - Quaker Unsaleables Lathrop - Distribution 47693.01 7378 43017 - Campbell's Unsaleables Lathrop - Distribution 19078.42 162 43018 - Clorox Unsaleables Lathrop - Distribution -5970.74 66 43019 - S C Johnson Unsaleables Lathrop - Distribution -8053.34 55 43020 - Raleys Swell Allowance Lathrop - Distribution 109647.91 29281 43021 - Bel Air Swell Allowance Lathrop - Distribution 29285.97 28926 43022 - Nob Hill Swell Allowance Lathrop - Distribution 28901.36 28898 43023 - Food Source Swell Allowance Lathrop - Distribution 17266.17 20827 43024 - Sara Lee Unsaleables Lathrop - Distribution -2393.35 31 43025 - Nestle/Murray Lathrop - Distribution -787.17 1 43026 - Mars Pet Care Unsaleables Lathrop - Distribution -2442.51 56 43027 - Colgate Lathrop - Distribution -2010.14 457 43028 - R&B Foods Lathrop - Distribution 893.92 1084 43029 - Food Maxx Swell Allowance Lathrop - Distribution 261.75 104 43030 - Save Mart Swell Allowance Lathrop - Distribution 263.26 104 43031 - Lucky's Swell Allowance Lathrop - Distribution 44.76 104 43032 - Starbucks Coffee Co Lathrop - Distribution 29870.44 56 43033 - Green Mountain Coffee Lathrop - Distribution -6782.58 314 43034 - Hostess Spoilage Allowance Lathrop - Distribution -3643.31 311 43035 - Henkel Unsaleables Lathrop - Distribution -87794.99 718 43036 - Tyson Jimmy Dean Unsaleables Lathrop - Distribution -295.3 25 43037 - Mars Wrigley Unsaleables Lathrop - Distribution 176.99 3 43038 - Post Unsaleables Lathrop - Distribution -23572.35 528 43039 - Del Monte Frozen Unsaleables Lathrop - Distribution -0.01 11 43040 - B&G Foods Unsaleables Lathrop - Distribution -9003.58 19 43112 - Unified - Accrued Brokerage Fee - CULTURE Turlock -268.89 2 43200 - Credits Due Stores Lathrop - Distribution 77517.1 275 43201 - A/P Correspondence Fees Lathrop - Distribution 16116.64 69 43430 - Deferred Income Turlock 0 124 43501 - 2012 Class Action Lawsuit Fairfield 3384784.29 2 43501 - 2012 Class Action Lawsuit Turlock 2113099.71 1 43502 - 2016 Environmental Reserve Fairfield 550000 11 43503 - Producers Closing Reserve Fairfield 1200000 3 43504 - Stub Period Close of (Income)/Loss Fairfield -2.62E-10 93 43505 - Stub Period Net Income Fairfield 0 2 43510 - Trade Payable Drafts Outstanding Fairfield -3.64E-12 19 43510 - Trade Payable Drafts Outstanding Turlock -521966.48 29 43520 - Sales Tax Payable Fairfield 4733.87 4 43520 - Sales Tax Payable Turlock 894.13 277 43530 - Accrued Utilities Fairfield 51800 1 43581 - Partner Pkg Turlock 170000 92 43589 - Reykjavik Creamery Deposit Turlock 9970 1 43590 - Juice Line Variance Turlock -209001.95 31 43592 - Accrued Lala Rebate Turlock -73397.66 55 43593 - Tillamook Rebate Turlock -167679.54 78 43594 - Citrusource Rebate Turlock 0 7 43595 - Other Accts Payable (Suspense) Turlock -1523877.45 2067 45005 - Fuel Surcharge-Ozark Lathrop - Distribution -976.96 7484 45010 - Fuel Surcharge-Smart Lathrop - Distribution -882.02 3747 45015 - Fuel Surcharge-Matson Interm Lathrop - Distribution 112.44 5 45020 - Fuel Surcharge-Oth Carriers Lathrop - Distribution 54636.27 361 45105 - Accrue freight Claim Lathrop - Distribution -421.2 5 45110 - Bank Line of Credit Turlock -45049044.79 166 45110 - Cash Settlement Lathrop - Distribution 0 3 45110 - Cash Settlement Lathrop - Headquarters 0 4 45200 - Accrue vendor returns Lathrop - Distribution -4.55E-13 10 45205 - Vendor Returns DRY adjs Lathrop - Distribution 30259.46 1571 45210 - Vendor Return FRZ adjs Lathrop - Distribution -4518.24 666 45305 - Cost Change Clrg-Dry Groc Lathrop - Distribution 215118.61 4530 45310 - Cost Change Clrg-Frozen Lathrop - Distribution 43147.39 1016 46072 - Accrued Exp - HR Lathrop - Headquarters 7812.3 1 46077 - Accrued MIS Expenses Lathrop - Headquarters 19211.99 1 46095 - e Gas and Electric Clearing Lathrop - Distribution 54475.82 453 46100 - Water and Sewer Clearing Lathrop - Distribution 41575.61 140 46101 - Workmans Comp Reserve 0203 Fairfield -9937 1 46101 - Workmans Comp Reserve 0203 Turlock -19109 3 46102 - Workmans Comp Reserve 0304 Fairfield -9732 1 46102 - Workmans Comp Reserve 0304 Turlock -14367 4 46103 - Workmans Comp Reserve 0405 Fairfield -8000 1 46103 - Workmans Comp Reserve 0405 Turlock -14477 4 46104 - Workmans Comp Reserve 0506 Fairfield -133 1 46104 - Workmans Comp Reserve 0506 Turlock -297 4 46105 - Waste Disposal Clearing Lathrop - Distribution 18970.16 145 46105 - Workmans Comp Reserve 0607 Fairfield 2291 1 46105 - Workmans Comp Reserve 0607 Turlock 4386 4 46106 - Workmans Comp Reserve 0708 Fairfield -3227 1 46106 - Workmans Comp Reserve 0708 Turlock -5052 4 46107 - Workmans Comp Reserve 0809 Turlock 4418 4 46109 - Workmans Comp Reserve 2009 Fairfield 3933 1 46110 - Accrued Telecommunication Lathrop - Distribution 2565.57 23 46110 - Workmans Comp Reserve 2010 Fairfield 3860 1 46110 - Workmans Comp Reserve 2010 Turlock 4261 4 46111 - Workmans Comp Reserve 2011 Fairfield 1906 1 46111 - Workmans Comp Reserve 2011 Turlock 1906 4 46112 - Workmans Comp Reserve 2012 Fairfield 25407 1 46112 - Workmans Comp Reserve 2012 Turlock 23592 3 46113 - Workmans Comp Reserve 2013 Fairfield 99464 1 46113 - Workmans Comp Reserve 2013 Turlock 88944 4 46114 - Workmans Comp Reserve 2014 Fairfield 299466.42 1 46114 - Workmans Comp Reserve 2014 Turlock 250836 3 46115 - Accrued Truck Garage Rent Lathrop - Distribution -3000 18 46115 - Workmans Comp Reserve 2015 Fairfield 183670 1 46115 - Workmans Comp Reserve 2015 Turlock 144110 4 46116 - Workmans Comp Reserve 2016 Fairfield 60696 1 46116 - Workmans Comp Reserve 2016 Turlock 44143 4 46117 - Workmans Comp Reserve 2017 Fairfield 137078 2 46117 - Workmans Comp Reserve 2017 Turlock 0 4 46175 - Note AP - Short Term Turlock -4002302.11 35 46205 - Ice Income Clrg Lathrop - Distribution -79919.86 11 46220 - Accrued Diverting Rev-Dry Lathrop - Distribution -409010.85 3961 46225 - Accrued Diverting Rev-Frozen Lathrop - Distribution -54056.46 177 46330 - Rsrv non-ops/ lgl exps 2016 Lathrop - Distribution 5432555.31 20 46410 - N/P - BAML $100MM LOC Lathrop - Distribution -17201835 17 46415 - Current Year Loan Draws Lathrop - Distribution -518855576 226 46420 - Current Year Loan Repayments Lathrop - Distribution 505975057 94 46430 - CCNA-Tlk Construction LOC Lathrop - Distribution 0 16 47105 - BAML - Turlock offset Lathrop - Distribution -1319793.07 124 47105 - Proceeds from Sale of Plant Fairfield 0 3 47125 - Other Long Term Liabilities Lathrop - Headquarters -221070.31 114 47127 - Capital Leases Lathrop - Headquarters 9.09E-12 38 47175 - Note AP - Long Term Turlock -22265531.22 78 47176 - Note Payable - Long Term Tlmk Turlock -2966857.34 6 48004 - CY Earnings-RA/Operations Lathrop - Distribution 1113058.85 73 48005 - CY Earnings-RA/MTCU Lathrop - Distribution -864843.19 55 48006 - CY Earnings-RA/Swell Allow Lathrop - Distribution -838156.26 54 48007 - CY Earnings-RA/13c Lathrop - Distribution -1494858.04 53 48011 - Capital Balance-Raley's Lathrop - Distribution -1792311.28 10 48014 - Drawings-RA/Operations Lathrop - Distribution -1480110 40 48016 - Drawings-RA/MTCU Lathrop - Distribution -992660.37 142 48018 - Drawings-RA/Swell Allow Lathrop - Distribution -969332.52 79 48019 - Drawings-RA/13c Lathrop - Distribution 0 27 48104 - CY Earnings-SM/Operations Lathrop - Distribution 2002230.98 73 48105 - CY Earnings-SM/MTCU Lathrop - Distribution -1555812.51 55 48106 - CY Earnings-SM/Swell Allow Lathrop - Distribution -15431.62 46 48107 - CY Earnings-SM/13c Lathrop - Distribution -3042291.98 53 48111 - Capital Balance-Save Mart Lathrop - Distribution -2636671.54 11 48114 - Drawings-SM/Operations Lathrop - Distribution -2223405 40 48116 - Drawings-SM/MTCU Lathrop - Distribution -1675273.98 281 48118 - Drawings-SM/Swell Allow Lathrop - Distribution -3844.22 69 48119 - Drawings-SM/13c Lathrop - Distribution 0 27 48204 - CY Earnings-BA/Operations Lathrop - Distribution 217593.42 69 48205 - CY Earnings-BA/MTCU Lathrop - Distribution -176261.59 54 48207 - CY Earnings-BA/13c Lathrop - Distribution -299693.29 53 48211 - Capital Balance-Bel Air Lathrop - Distribution -771686.36 9 48214 - Drawings-BA/Operations Lathrop - Distribution -297987 36 48216 - Drawings-BA/MTCU Lathrop - Distribution -252195.15 132 48219 - Drawings-BA/13c Lathrop - Distribution 0 17 48316 - Drawings-FS/MTCU Lathrop - Distribution -21709.53 103 48416 - Drawings-NH/MTCU Lathrop - Distribution -201152.94 103 48900 - Contra-Curr Yr Income Lathrop - Distribution 28221586.27 203 49000 - Operating Income Lathrop - Distribution 4956802.08 61 49110 - Capital - Raleys Fairfield 1709325.38 8 49110 - Capital - Raleys Turlock 8830513.04 8 49112 - Income Allocation - Raleys Fairfield 44414.86 1 49112 - Income Allocation - Raleys Turlock 1538011.63 80 49113 - Income Allocation Mfg Credit - Raleys Fairfield 661083.68 1 49113 - Income Allocation Mfg Credit - Raleys Turlock 131822.71 69 49115 - Draw - Raleys Turlock -1132438.03 27 49116 - Draw Mfg Credit - Raleys Fairfield -845627.35 2 49116 - Draw Mfg Credit - Raleys Turlock -324934.63 270 49120 - Capital - Bel Air Fairfield 336857.8 8 49120 - Capital - Bel Air Turlock 21229.51 8 49122 - Income Allocation - Bel Air Fairfield 9667.59 1 49122 - Income Allocation - Bel Air Turlock 70233.69 80 49123 - Income Allocation Mfg Credit - Bel Air Fairfield 146177.93 1 49123 - Income Allocation Mfg Credit - Bel Air Turlock 10891.19 69 49125 - Draw - Bel Air Turlock -109845.65 14 49126 - Draw Mfg Credit - Bel Air Fairfield -187133.17 2 49126 - Draw Mfg Credit - Bel Air Turlock -60020.83 78 49130 - Capital - Nob Hill Turlock 42588.59 8 49132 - Income Allocation - Nob Hill Turlock 44738.63 80 49133 - Income Allocation Mfg Credit - Nob Hill Turlock 8185.69 69 49135 - Draw - Nob Hill Turlock -69754.86 14 49136 - Draw Mfg Credit - Nob Hill Turlock -37787.06 78 49160 - Capital - Save Mart Fairfield 3289846.92 8 49160 - Capital - Save Mart Turlock 8286017.8 7 49162 - Income Allocation - Save Mart Fairfield 108756.35 1 49162 - Income Allocation - Save Mart Turlock 2385625.17 80 49163 - Income Allocation Mfg Credit - Save Mart Fairfield 1662265.48 1 49163 - Income Allocation Mfg Credit - Save Mart Turlock 329187.77 70 49165 - Draw - Save Mart Turlock -2440477.85 15 49166 - Draw Mfg Credit - Save Mart Fairfield -2094258.52 2 49166 - Draw Mfg Credit - Save Mart Turlock -945295.74 345 49500 - 100-200 G&A swap Lathrop - Distribution 25437911.85 19 49500 - 100-200 swap Lathrop - Headquarters -2240208.97 19 49712 - Income Allocation - Raleys Fairfield -705498.54 1 49712 - Income Allocation - Raleys Turlock -1669834.34 141 49722 - Income Allocation - Bel Air Fairfield -155845.52 1 49722 - Income Allocation - Bel Air Turlock -81124.88 141 49732 - Income Allocation Periodic- Nob Hill Turlock -52924.32 141 49762 - Income Allocation - Save Mart Fairfield -1771021.83 1 49762 - Income Allocation - Save Mart Turlock -2714812.94 142 49912 - Close Annual Net Income Fairfield 2632365.89 1 49912 - Close Annual Net Income Turlock -6285749.24 9 50410 - Fairfield Processed Sales Fairfield 1159624.23 6177 50430 - Producers Processed Sales Fairfield 79671.57 366 50440 - Purchase Product Sales Fairfield 18563.71 950 51100 - Sales Lathrop - Distribution -6387664952 2954342 51110 - Product Sales Revenue Turlock -496941769 256121 51110 - Sales Returns Lathrop - Distribution 10312289.02 80672 51120 - Sales - Outside Lathrop - Distribution -30599532.26 9631 51130 - Sales - SSF IC Lathrop - Distribution -838458.81 198780 51150 - Product Sales Revenue - Produced Turlock -88056824.11 896 51510 - Redistributed Product Revenue Turlock -3517171.7 325 51515 - Pallet Storage Revenue Turlock -267279.25 29 51520 - Mixed Pallet Revenue Turlock -11626.6 4 51610 - Rebates Turlock 188108.19 133 51615 - Brokerage Turlock 359.04 2 51680 - Miscellaneous Turlock -2370771.89 785 51710 - Sales Revenue - Consumed Resources Turlock -933298.39 2208 51820 - Mfg Credit Upcharge Turlock -5653021.93 61455 54205 - Health Prog Income - F Lathrop - Headquarters 1762449.61 1 54210 - Health Prog Income - T Lathrop - Headquarters 3154081.12 16 54215 - Health Prog Income - HQ Lathrop - Headquarters 89029.26 16 54220 - Health Prog Inc - SSI Lathrop - Headquarters 5699521.23 16 54225 - Health Prog Inc - Mktg Lathrop - Headquarters 552916.55 16 54235 - Health Prog - Claims Lathrop - Headquarters -9220548.91 24 54240 - Health Prog - Admin Fee Lathrop - Headquarters -433783.63 16 54245 - Health Prog - Other Expenses Lathrop - Headquarters -1603665.23 16 54305 - Supp Life and AD&D - Rev Lathrop - Headquarters -273206.01 46 54310 - Supp Life and AD&D - Exp Lathrop - Headquarters 94743.77 8 54405 - Mgmt Fee - Fairfield Lathrop - Headquarters -459391 3 54415 - Mgmt Fee - Lathrop Lathrop - Headquarters -30116765.46 154 54425 - Mgmt Fee - Turlock Lathrop - Headquarters -14760920.03 79 54430 - M&M - Common Exps Lathrop - Headquarters -1396043.8 14 56100 - New Prod-Natl-Free Goods Lathrop - Distribution -215.54 1 56105 - New Prod-Natl-Volume Incent Lathrop - Distribution -2627679.16 4488 56110 - New Prod-Natl-Truck Load Allo Lathrop - Distribution -529055.21 1266 56115 - New Prod-Natl-New Item Lathrop - Distribution -7290021.37 9704 56120 - New Prod-non program unsaleabl Lathrop - Distribution -534264.89 5981 57150 - Repack Fee Lathrop - Distribution -3223803.24 176886 57205 - Case Fee Lathrop - Distribution -139358353.3 1422263 57207 - Other Case Fees 13c Lathrop - Distribution -28570075.31 1388881 57220 - Case Fee - Outside Lathrop - Distribution -21033.6 6 57225 - Case Fees Tlk NonPtnr Fee Lathrop - Distribution 114134.69 66 57230 - SSF IC Case Fee Lathrop - Distribution -2503035.71 920 57299 - Case Fee Accrual Lathrop - Distribution -20607.36 334 57305 - Pallet Fee Lathrop - Distribution -13960548.16 361247 57315 - Cross Dock Fee Lathrop - Distribution -1065190.03 10565 57450 - Other Miscellaneous Revenues Lathrop - Distribution -2216223.32 1696 57500 - Store Return Fees Lathrop - Distribution -3210 44 57550 - Store Return Fees Lathrop - Distribution -42958.4 478 57565 - Realized Gain/Loss on Invest HQ Lathrop - Headquarters -92950.58 85 58300 - Spoilage Allowance Lathrop - Distribution -9055.79 85 58310 - Hostess Spoilage Allowance Lathrop - Distribution -37926.43 280 58315 - P & G Spoilage Allowance Lathrop - Distribution -22935.72 1 59010 - Swell Allowance Lathrop - Distribution -5971213.15 156 59015 - SSF Ice Cream - MTCU Lathrop - Distribution -49209.85 176907 59020 - P/L Ice - MTCU Lathrop - Distribution -15454658.11 80089 60110 - COGS-Whse-Grocery Lathrop - Distribution 6771877020 2802385 60115 - COGS-Ice Outside Purchases Lathrop - Distribution 589402.92 237 60120 - COGS-Cash Discount Reduction Lathrop - Distribution -78925758.75 105 60170 - COGS-B/B Allowances Lathrop - Distribution -283479020.7 38138 60190 - COGS-B/B S-deals Lathrop - Distribution -285494.16 29 61030 - Inventory Adj - Physical Lathrop - Distribution -21450483.27 619 61110 - Cost of Goods Sold Turlock 985300.22 499325 61115 - COGS - Direct Labor Turlock 7320284.73 69639 61211 - Milk Product Cost Turlock 29692822.31 115657 61213 - Milk Purch Price Var Turlock -328805.98 16064 61214 - Milk Inventory Var Turlock 2740665.29 1444 61215 - Milk Disposal Turlock 2573.29 8 61216 - Milk Inventory Reval Turlock -50620.04 52289 61221 - Reclaim Product Cost Turlock 2051428.37 857 61222 - Reclaim Product Cost - Freight Turlock 750.24 1 61223 - Reclaim Purch Price Var Turlock -124913.63 2519 61224 - Reclaim Inventory Var Turlock 49639.92 807 61226 - Reclaim Inventory Reval Turlock -351.63 3804 61231 - Cream Product Cost Turlock 79496856.28 104968 61232 - Cream Product Cost - Freight Turlock 83515.54 32 61233 - Cream Purch Price Var Turlock -325787.31 139 61234 - Cream Inventory Var Turlock 3855725.29 1368 61235 - Cream Disposal Turlock -79515.86 18 61236 - Cream Inventory Reval Turlock -23750.17 49672 61241 - Condensed Product Cost Turlock 17405671.45 124008 61242 - Condensed Product Cost - Freight Turlock 57400 110 61243 - Condensed Purch Price Var Turlock 115994.21 168 61244 - Condensed Inventory Var Turlock 563430.31 1334 61246 - Condensed Inventory Reval Turlock -23379.42 41890 61251 - Skim Product Cost Turlock 15161732.02 108717 61253 - Skim Purch Price Var Turlock -12751.68 3 61254 - Skim Inventory Var Turlock 6800.44 467 61255 - Skim Disposal Turlock 10615.16 24 61256 - Skim Inventory Reval Turlock -1443.54 8476 61261 - Organic Product Cost Turlock 3650250.6 9338 61263 - Organic Purch Pricr Var Turlock 104535.37 153 61264 - Organic Inventory Var Turlock 102977.96 179 61266 - Organic Inventory Reval Turlock 4541.16 797 61274 - Cream Production Substitution Var Turlock 336095.58 3916 61275 - Cream Production Rounding Var Turlock 610713.44 21264 61285 - Condensed Production Rounding Var Turlock -1.81 19580 61294 - Skim Production Substitution Var Turlock 4565168.13 1156 61295 - Skim Production Rounding Var Turlock -7985908.87 5807 61311 - Mix Production Price Var Turlock 23466.95 5870 61312 - Mix Production Quantity Var Turlock -1960177.12 12230 61313 - Mix Production Substitution Var Turlock 2077861.44 1321 61314 - Mix Production Rounding Var Turlock 17406313.99 9081 61323 - Mix Purch Price Var Turlock 17616.7 31 61324 - Mix Inventory Var Turlock 232770.85 500 61325 - Mix Scrap / Disposal Cost Turlock 2437.83 1 61326 - Mix Inventory Reval Turlock 18134.27 14117 61410 - Ing Cost Turlock 113576370.2 186688 61411 - Ing Cost - Discount Turlock -444608.82 1325 61412 - Ing Cost - Freight Turlock 5494030.85 5127 61413 - Ing Cost - Other Turlock 50236.74 345 61420 - Ing Purch Price Var Turlock -107395.92 12503 61426 - Ing Inventory Reval Turlock -705070.45 8547 61428 - Ing Rebate Turlock -295832.25 26 61430 - Ing Inventory Var Turlock 961767.02 8302 61440 - Ing Disposal Turlock 735756.75 981 61489 - OH Cap - Chg Inven Qty/Oh Rate Turlock -293924.66 214 61493 - Com Ing Purch Price Var Turlock 606740.4 1878 61494 - Com Ing Inventory Var Turlock 40853.16 415 61495 - Com Ing Disposal Turlock 37022.33 21 61496 - Com Ing Inventory Reval Turlock -20741.55 3372 61510 - Pkg Cost Turlock 74567883.61 1114838 61511 - Pkg Cost - Discount Turlock -350880.99 1468 61512 - Pkg Cost - Freight Turlock 3039883.62 3830 61513 - Pkg Cost - Other Turlock 619635.06 2289 61520 - Pkg Purch Price Var Turlock 226834.02 20846 61526 - Pkg Inventory Revaluation Turlock -503555.89 73488 61528 - Pkg Rebate Turlock -32443.39 2 61530 - Pkg Inventory Var Turlock 80072.51 43273 61540 - Pkg Disposal Turlock 294975.24 945 61550 - Pkg Set-up Cost Turlock 65314.21 26 61560 - Pkg Artwork - New & Changes Turlock 166800.05 68 61570 - Pkg Plate Costs - New & Changes Turlock 43469.61 20 61580 - Pkg Royalty Cost Turlock 225200 227 61593 - Com Purch Price Var Turlock 17806.13 563 61594 - Com Pkg Inventory Var Turlock -39032.89 1030 61596 - Com Pkg Inventory Reval Turlock -2748.36 14665 61627 - Freight Outbound Fg Turlock 550220.26 1538 61711 - Fg Production Price Var Turlock 155702.6 1612 61712 - Fg Production Quantity Var Turlock 673420.19 41981 61713 - Fg Production Substitution Turlock 1814603.96 2465 61714 - Fg Production Rounding Var Turlock -16886681.44 179691 61724 - Fg Inventory Var Turlock 1101625.92 38149 61725 - Fg Scrap / Disposal Turlock 1634736.06 3438 61726 - Fg Inventory Reval Turlock -1584757.78 360802 61910 - Purch Product Cost Turlock 25545599.59 50514 61912 - Purch Product Cost - Freight Turlock 149865.36 56 61920 - Purch Product Price Var Turlock 1374603.79 37002 61926 - Purchased Product Inventory Reval Turlock 4799.22 11806 61930 - Inventory Var Turlock -1083087.65 13468 61940 - Disposal Turlock -40595.29 515 62010 - Ledger Equalization Lathrop - Distribution -18138342.24 25048 62100 - Fairfield Cost of Goods Sold Fairfield -3.99E-10 12175 62105 - Raw Material Fairfield -674782.93 9638 62107 - Raw Materials Organic Milk Fairfield -44570.44 1505 62108 - Organic Condensed Inventory Adjustments Fairfield 0 3 62110 - Freight - Condensed Fairfield 1706.4 2 62112 - Freight - Recovery Fairfield 426.6 2 62115 - HFCS Fairfield -2027.59 564 62116 - Granulated Sugar Fairfield -4905.9 78 62120 - Egg Nog Base Fairfield -19857 87 62125 - Vitamins Fairfield -4.67 846 62155 - Export Equaliztion Lathrop - Distribution -2923804.01 4076 62160 - Diverter Equalization Lathrop - Distribution -38869748.65 76 62200 - Q-bill Admin Fee Lathrop - Distribution -3419659 40655 62205 - Resin Fairfield -37524.56 5952 62205 - S-deal admin fee Lathrop - Distribution -10965 15 62210 - Paper Cartons Fairfield -19461.22 2802 62215 - Caps Fairfield -5689.44 5997 62220 - Fitment Caps Fairfield -1652.2 2504 62225 - Labels Fairfield -2761.11 5715 62225 - Labels Turlock 0 10 62310 - Inv Adj D-disco/out of code Lathrop - Distribution 6223259.8 1284 62320 - Inv Adj Z-truck damage Lathrop - Distribution 4609.07 33 62330 - Inv Adj W-whse damage Lathrop - Distribution 6320434.17 8574 62340 - Inv Adj T-throwout Lathrop - Distribution 309653.89 271 62400 - Salv Recoup D-disco/out of cod Lathrop - Distribution -6893154.79 2044 62410 - Salv Recoup Z-truck damage Lathrop - Distribution -4805.16 12 62420 - Salv Recoup W & T Lathrop - Distribution -6000595.4 21489 62505 - Finished Prod Inv Change Fairfield -2682.83 373 62510 - Warehouse Special Handling Lathrop - Distribution -11741124.5 10322 62530 - Cash Discounts Lathrop - Distribution 492.6 3 62535 - Cash Discounts Returned Lathrop - Distribution 2286.1 234 62605 - Producers Purchases Fairfield -70215.27 860 62705 - Purchased Milk Fairfield -18970.55 954 62998 - PO Invoice Rounding Fairfield 0 16 70110 - Hourly Lathrop - Distribution 42758163.3 1223 70110 - Hourly Lathrop - Headquarters 1953992.82 305 70110 - Hourly Fairfield -2.32E-11 16 70110 - Hourly Turlock 58808449.91 2337 70111 - * Wages-Clerical-Shipping Lathrop - Distribution 459773.25 86 70112 - * Wages-Clerical-Receiving Lathrop - Distribution 724289.13 86 70113 - * Wages-Order Selector Lathrop - Distribution 14815165.15 88 70114 - * Wages-Forklift Lathrop - Distribution 5034743.04 86 70115 - * Wages-Receiving Lathrop - Distribution 4581950.92 86 70116 - * Wages-Loader Lathrop - Distribution 3478097.26 88 70117 - * Wages-Salvage Lathrop - Distribution 706115.61 56 70118 - * Wages-Cig Stamp/Select Lathrop - Distribution 72.31 1 70119 - * Wages-Backhaul Unloader Lathrop - Distribution 27787.28 42 70120 - Overtime Lathrop - Distribution 24565714.09 897 70120 - Overtime Lathrop - Headquarters 272725.67 369 70120 - Overtime Turlock 7909817.97 1477 70121 - * Wages-Equipment Maintenance Lathrop - Distribution 769510.06 86 70122 - * Wages-Repack Lathrop - Distribution 1020603.47 43 70124 - * Wages-Light Duty Lathrop - Distribution 85159.66 43 70125 - * Wages-Incentive Pay Lathrop - Distribution 1000103.16 40 70126 - * Wages-Building Maintenance Lathrop - Distribution 657728.74 86 70140 - * Wages-Ice Production Lathrop - Distribution 426567.42 43 70160 - * Wages-Sanitation Lathrop - Distribution 1149123.79 43 70170 - * Wages-Drivers Lathrop - Distribution 642535.02 43 70195 - * Wages-Secretarial & Clerical Lathrop - Distribution 1352119.99 117 70195 - Secretarial & Clerical Lathrop - Headquarters 2478541.23 180 70195 - Secretarial & Clerical Fairfield 0 10 70195 - Secretarial & Clerical Turlock -3959.57 1 70210 - Salaries Lathrop - Distribution 7077316.56 534 70210 - Salaries Lathrop - Headquarters 20035141.4 645 70210 - Salaries Fairfield 0 16 70210 - Salaries Turlock 14223165.66 1419 70215 - * Salaries-Supervision Lathrop - Distribution 4028259.7 267 70215 - Salaries-Supervision Lathrop - Headquarters 2000988.03 47 70220 - * Salaries-Product Managers Lathrop - Distribution 1268657.67 20 70225 - Deferred Comp Expense Lathrop - Headquarters 245660.56 119 70260 - Labor Allocation Lathrop - Distribution -13000 1 70300 - Fringe Benefits (header) Lathrop - Distribution -10218.17 14 70300 - Fringe Benefits (header) Lathrop - Headquarters 0 2 70301 - Fringe Benefit Exp Lathrop - Distribution 251.11 80 70301 - Fringe Benefit Exp Lathrop - Headquarters -49930.78 67 70301 - Fringe Benefit Exp Turlock 2518.65 145 70305 - Severance Lathrop - Distribution 11622.3 8 70305 - Severance Lathrop - Headquarters 47040.36 78 70310 - MGMT INCENT Lathrop - Headquarters 180465 29 70310 - Quickpick Bonus Lathrop - Distribution 1036740.69 192 70310 - Vacation/Sick Leave Turlock 1437511.67 509 70311 - Vacation Accrual Turlock 359616.8 301 70315 - Mgmt Incentive Lathrop - Distribution 680215.72 347 70315 - Mgmt Incentive Lathrop - Headquarters 1714886.85 301 70315 - Mgmt Incentive Turlock 597695.46 437 70320 - Payroll Taxes Lathrop - Distribution 8947748.89 1425 70320 - Payroll Taxes Lathrop - Headquarters 1783800.41 977 70320 - Payroll Taxes Fairfield 7.28E-12 19 70320 - Payroll Taxes Turlock 6410439.05 2094 70322 - FUTA Tax Lathrop - Distribution 116191.17 289 70322 - FUTA Tax Lathrop - Headquarters 12859.41 189 70322 - FUTA Tax Fairfield 0 19 70322 - FUTA Tax Turlock 21573.44 365 70324 - SUI Tax Lathrop - Distribution 297448.33 284 70324 - SUI Tax Lathrop - Headquarters 29594.84 184 70324 - SUI TAX Fairfield 3.64E-12 19 70324 - SUI TAX Turlock 128608.73 378 70326 - Long-Term Disability Lathrop - Distribution 194900.27 465 70326 - Long-Term Disability Lathrop - Headquarters 46060.12 322 70326 - Long-Term Disability Turlock 146726.04 272 70330 - officesupplies Lathrop - Headquarters 1443311.16 893 70330 - Workers Compensation Lathrop - Distribution 4926284.57 1218 70330 - Workers Compensation Fairfield 0 19 70330 - Workers Compensation Turlock 2618376.71 1208 70340 - Health Insurance Lathrop - Distribution 21005856.2 1521 70340 - Health Insurance Lathrop - Headquarters 2447343.84 1059 70340 - Health Insurance Fairfield 0 19 70340 - Health Insurance Turlock 15507400.94 2528 70341 - Dental Insurance Turlock -56044.9 320 70342 - Vision Insurance Lathrop - Distribution -65514.79 151 70342 - Vision Insurance Lathrop - Headquarters -5671.4 98 70342 - Vision Insurance Fairfield -1.14E-13 19 70342 - Vision Insurance Turlock -39124.71 427 70348 - Life Insurance Turlock 103123.17 272 70350 - 401(K) Plan Lathrop - Distribution 9695875.8 1599 70350 - 401(K) Plan Lathrop - Headquarters 2463187.85 800 70350 - 401(K) Plan Fairfield 1.46E-11 19 70350 - 401(K) Plan Turlock 7331146.27 2218 70352 - 401(K) Plan Hourly Fairfield 0 19 70352 - 401(K) Plan Hourly Turlock 513589.49 743 70365 - Vacation Exp Lathrop - Distribution 133501.07 246 70365 - Vacation Exp Lathrop - Headquarters 102581.31 126 70365 - Vacation Exp Turlock 82199.91 76 70370 - Laundry/Uniforms Fairfield 4000 17 70370 - Laundry/Uniforms Turlock 790190.23 1329 70375 - Personal Gear Allowance Fairfield 0 5 70375 - Personal Gear Allowance Turlock 16076.74 56 70390 - Employee Benefit Expenses Turlock -72479.94 122 70391 - Employee Benefit Offset Turlock -648749.24 8 70410 - Temporary Labor Lathrop - Distribution 12481652.4 1263 70410 - Temporary Labor Lathrop - Headquarters 659199.22 330 70410 - Temporary Labor Fairfield 9702.22 23 70410 - Temporary Labor Turlock 7514393.59 4113 70415 - O/S Order Selectors Lathrop - Distribution 7241219.17 761 70420 - O/S Backhaul Unloading Lathrop - Distribution 1973346.23 407 70500 - Employee Relations Lathrop - Headquarters 75760.03 19 70502 - Grocery Reimbursements Lathrop - Headquarters 420 3 70504 - Holiday Gift Certificates Lathrop - Headquarters 36248.99 5 70510 - Monthly BBQ Lathrop - Headquarters 26066.22 10 70512 - Coffee Lathrop - Headquarters 18606.22 15 70520 - Anniversary Items Lathrop - Headquarters 90409.53 28 70524 - Safety Incentives Lathrop - Headquarters 18138.93 27 70530 - Emp Rel Misc & EE Comm Lathrop - Headquarters 10566.5 39 70532 - Employee Communications Lathrop - Headquarters 8670.54 14 70554 - Wellness Fairfield Lathrop - Headquarters 351.13 1 70556 - Wellness Lathrop Lathrop - Headquarters 4092.32 8 70558 - Wellness Turlock Lathrop - Headquarters 3728.15 8 71000 - Other Operating Expenses Lathrop - Headquarters 0.03 1 71100 - Utilities (header) Lathrop - Distribution 406969.9 47 71110 - Electricity Fairfield 75000 3 71110 - Electricity Turlock 16661127.94 188 71110 - Gas & Electric Lathrop - Distribution 7282521.09 248 71120 - Natural Gas Fairfield 11500 3 71120 - Natural Gas Turlock 3433131.92 257 71130 - Water Lathrop - Distribution 936742.62 124 71130 - Water Fairfield 0 3 71130 - Water Turlock 1009662.66 273 71140 - Electric Co-Gen Plant Lathrop - Distribution -1.82E-12 247 71140 - Sewer Fairfield 0 2 71140 - Sewer Turlock 3026381.89 466 71150 - Solid Waste Disposal Lathrop - Distribution 318631.6 46 71150 - Solid Waste Disposal Fairfield 0 2 71150 - Solid Waste Disposal Turlock 819294.67 282 71210 - Repairs Exp Lathrop - Distribution 4557961.65 4514 71210 - Repairs Exp Lathrop - Headquarters 13839.51 25 71210 - Repairs Exp - Culture Turlock 1711725.35 1394 71220 - Repairs Exp - Bottling Turlock 370748.38 256 71230 - Repairs Exp - Ice Cream Turlock 1533754.63 1152 71240 - Repairs Exp - Juice Turlock 4221431.95 2290 71250 - Repairs Exp - Facilities Fairfield 0 5 71250 - Repairs Exp - Facilities Turlock 1409626.89 771 71251 - R&M - Processing Fairfield 2.91E-11 27 71252 - R&M - Cold Box Fairfield 9.09E-13 12 71253 - R&M - Waste Treatment Fairfield 1.82E-12 3 71260 - Repairs Exp - General Plant Turlock 12289629.9 12737 71270 - Repairs Exp - Distribution Turlock 452809.49 1287 71280 - Tractors - Parts Fairfield -9.09E-13 6 71281 - Trailers - Parts Fairfield -2.27E-13 8 71289 - R&M Other Fairfield 0 6 71290 - Equipment Rental Lathrop - Headquarters 562948.63 181 71290 - Equipment Rental Fairfield 0 2 71310 - Diesel Fuel - Tractors Fairfield -17464.69 5 71410 - Operating Supplies Lathrop - Distribution 6082440.55 2912 71410 - Operating Supplies Fairfield 10451.69 54 71410 - Operating Supplies Turlock 6725289.75 5211 71412 - Safety Clothing & Equipment Lathrop - Distribution 31079.58 16 71412 - Safety Clothing & Equipment Lathrop - Headquarters 76442.93 187 71412 - Safety Clothing & Equipment Turlock 119394.25 166 71415 - Do not post - was Op Sppls - Pallets (use 71410) Turlock -522664.25 2438 71416 - Pallet Expense Lathrop - Distribution 233242.67 100 71418 - Safety Supplies Turlock 14733.45 43 "71420 - Lubes, Soaps & Chemicals" Fairfield 0 2 "71420 - Lubes, Soaps & Chemicals" Turlock 3953535.5 615 71421 - Chemicals - Dairy Turlock 90892.28 14 71422 - Chemicals - Juice Turlock 993050.29 92 71423 - Chemicals - Boiler Turlock 190167.02 33 71424 - Chemicals - Waste Water Turlock 615702.58 215 71425 - Chemicals - Tower Turlock 96115.37 12 "71430 - Lube, Oil & Grease - Dairy" Turlock 3879.14 7 71470 - Outside Services/Lab Testing Turlock 1161234.86 1558 71471 - Lab Chemicals - Dairy Turlock 942.61 3 71810 - Product Scrap/Disposal Lathrop - Distribution 12086.76 25 72012 - Gain / Loss Sales of Assets Fairfield 0 5 72012 - Gain / Loss Sales of Assets Turlock -22750 3 72012 - Gain/Loss Sales of Assets Lathrop - Distribution 137.74 1 72110 - Depre Exp - Equipment Lathrop - Distribution 3159241.46 190 72110 - Depre Exp - Equipment Turlock 6094755.68 427 72120 - Depre Exp - Vehicles Lathrop - Distribution 291703.07 66 72120 - Depre Exp - Vehicles Turlock 875485.01 124 72130 - Depre Exp - Building Lathrop - Distribution 6386791.16 217 72130 - Depre Exp - Building Turlock 2250577.17 417 72135 - Depreciation - T.G. Lathrop - Distribution 224128.47 60 72140 - Depre Exp - Land Improvements Turlock 2663.92 38 72150 - Depre Exp - Computer Equipment Lathrop - Distribution 22615.39 55 72150 - Depre Exp - Computer Equipment Lathrop - Headquarters 2816845.32 71 72150 - Depre Exp - Computer Equipment Turlock 30359.3 77 72160 - Depre Exp - Office Furniture & Fixtures Lathrop - Headquarters 3867.5 24 72210 - Property Tax Expense Lathrop - Distribution 2891227.92 95 72210 - Property Tax Expense Lathrop - Headquarters 39301.77 13 72210 - Property Tax Expense Turlock 3345246.27 120 72310 - Other Taxes & Licenses Lathrop - Distribution 889103.59 112 72310 - Other Taxes & Licenses Fairfield 0 2 72310 - Other Taxes & Licenses Turlock 199474.46 200 "72320 - Fees, Fines & Penalties" Turlock 128138.03 243 72410 - General Liability Insurance Lathrop - Headquarters 497182 29 72410 - General Liability Insurance Fairfield 0 2 72410 - General Liability Insurance Turlock 4307508.32 115 72415 - Insurance Prem-WC Lathrop - Headquarters 115269 14 72435 - Premises Insurance Lathrop - Distribution 118056 28 72445 - Underground Tank Insurance Lathrop - Distribution 34141 14 72565 - Insurance Prem-WC Lathrop - Distribution 5070949.27 92 73105 - Travel-Airfare Lathrop - Headquarters 18266.89 28 73110 - Meals & Entertainment Fairfield 0 2 73110 - Meals & Entertainment Turlock 10527.95 83 73110 - Travel-Meals & Entertainment Lathrop - Distribution 33063.36 103 73110 - Travel-Meals & Entertainment Lathrop - Headquarters 108481.87 319 73112 - Meals & Entertainment-50% Turlock 29066.9 29 73114 - Meals & Entertainment Turlock 10251.13 26 73115 - Travel-Transportation (not air) Lathrop - Distribution 3200.97 32 73115 - Travel-Transportation (not air) Lathrop - Headquarters 60571.56 304 "73120 - Mileage, Lodging & Airfare" Turlock 25055.75 82 73120 - Travel Lodging Lathrop - Headquarters 257978.17 279 73120 - Travel-Lodging Lathrop - Distribution 12774.3 40 73130 - Gas & Oil Lathrop - Distribution 330405.8 100 73130 - Gas & Oil Fairfield 78 1 73130 - Gas & Oil Turlock 4089.89 44 73132 - Vehicle Maintenance Lathrop - Distribution 76.67 2 73132 - Vehicle Maintenance Lathrop - Headquarters 139.5 1 73140 - Tolls Fairfield 441 1 74000 - Recruiting & Training Lathrop - Headquarters 0 4 74110 - Training/Seminars Lathrop - Distribution 5696.2 18 74110 - Training/Seminars Lathrop - Headquarters 139497.27 152 74110 - Training/Seminars Turlock 36240.17 23 74115 - Training/Seminars Travel Lathrop - Headquarters 2443.53 4 74120 - Training/Seminars-Meals Lathrop - Headquarters 3201.43 11 74210 - Recruiting Costs Lathrop - Distribution -652.65 1 74210 - Recruiting Costs Lathrop - Headquarters 906973.25 754 74310 - Employment engagement Lathrop - Distribution 80187.91 36 74310 - Employment engagement Lathrop - Headquarters 894278.58 368 75000 - use 75130 * Legal Fees Lathrop - Headquarters 0 8 75110 - Acctg/Tax/Audit Fees Lathrop - Headquarters 1006395.61 101 75110 - Acctg/Tax/Audit Fees Turlock 120931.09 44 75115 - use 75130 * Legal Fees Lathrop - Headquarters 8692.83 1 75120 - Other Professional Fees Lathrop - Distribution 61610.86 15 75120 - Other Professional Fees Lathrop - Headquarters 2745941.32 536 75120 - Other Professional Fees Fairfield 1.82E-12 13 75120 - Other Professional Fees Turlock 1124154.78 262 75130 - Legal Fees Lathrop - Distribution 5505.5 1 75130 - Legal Fees Lathrop - Headquarters 657878.33 424 75130 - use 75130 * Legal Fees Turlock 196229.6 13 75142 - Advertising Lathrop - Headquarters 38692.7 55 76110 - Office Supplies Lathrop - Distribution 505929.69 443 76110 - Office Supplies Lathrop - Headquarters 802825.54 1434 76110 - Office Supplies Fairfield 89.37 12 76110 - Office Supplies Turlock 264324.64 642 76120 - Office Equipment - Rental Turlock 12285.89 20 76130 - Telephone Lathrop - Distribution 25161.2 84 76130 - Telephone Lathrop - Headquarters 585684.59 511 76130 - Telephone Turlock 452493.03 575 76135 - Telephone - Cellular Lathrop - Headquarters 82.23 5 76135 - Telephone - Cellular Fairfield 730 9 76135 - Telephone - Cellular Turlock 224.63 3 76140 - Postage & Express Delivery Lathrop - Distribution 330.31 7 76140 - Postage & Express Delivery Lathrop - Headquarters 111286.16 581 76140 - Postage & Express Delivery Fairfield 2.84E-14 3 76140 - Postage & Express Delivery Turlock 108297.83 620 76150 - Janitorial Lathrop - Distribution 1074728.64 703 76150 - Janitorial Fairfield 3746 1 76150 - Janitorial Turlock 240253.89 518 76155 - Security Lathrop - Distribution 1470128.07 227 76155 - Security Fairfield 880 2 76155 - Security Turlock 743461.65 240 76160 - Landscape Maintenance Lathrop - Distribution 125617.8 113 76160 - Landscape Maintenance Fairfield 0 2 76160 - Landscape Maintenance Turlock 95120 69 76165 - Pest Control Lathrop - Distribution 225946.43 95 76165 - Pest Control Fairfield 0 2 76165 - Pest Control Turlock 115349.35 130 77110 - Computer Supplies Lathrop - Distribution 15227.27 23 77110 - Computer Supplies Lathrop - Headquarters 1131134.44 1087 77110 - Computer Supplies Turlock 337859.23 441 77120 - Maintenance Agreements Lathrop - Headquarters 2592276.4 508 77122 - Disaster Contingency Plan Lathrop - Headquarters 221531.42 61 78170 - Lawsuit Expense Lathrop - Headquarters -996447.77 10 78180 - Miscellaneous Lathrop - Distribution 122573.21 54 78180 - Miscellaneous Lathrop - Headquarters 901061.73 189 78180 - Miscellaneous Turlock 1533 2 78185 - Med Only WC Lathrop - Headquarters 210 1 78190 - Customer Complaints Lathrop - Headquarters 5328.23 23 78195 - Samples Lathrop - Headquarters 17403.05 137 78210 - Outside Storage Lathrop - Distribution 1011139.98 212 78210 - Outside Storage Turlock 307145.57 104 78310 - Outside Freight Fairfield 500 7 78310 - Outside Freight Turlock -605620.89 332 78410 - Recycling Revenue Turlock -396423.32 77 78510 - Dues & Subscriptions Lathrop - Distribution 23947.56 14 78510 - Dues & Subscriptions Lathrop - Headquarters 216896.11 157 78510 - Dues & Subscriptions Turlock 235030.03 96 78520 - Bank Charges Lathrop - Headquarters 806986.43 168 78520 - Bank Charges Turlock 92714.86 63 78530 - Contributions & Donations Lathrop - Headquarters 15000 11 78530 - Contributions & Donations Turlock 500 1 78540 - Miscellaneous Charges Fairfield 1.36E-12 6 78540 - Miscellaneous Charges Turlock -1684563.62 360 78550 - Payroll Charges Lathrop - Headquarters 983681.21 114 78570 - CRV Admin Fee Lathrop - Headquarters -1148455.3 65 78610 - Plant & Equipment Rent Lathrop - Distribution -113531.06 97 78610 - Plant & Equipment Rent Lathrop - Headquarters 12543.05 4 78610 - Plant & Equipment Rent Turlock 1064265.58 303 78710 - Intercompany Assessment Fairfield 0 8 78710 - Intercompany Assessment Turlock 2842234.9 55 79120 - Allocation Lathrop - Headquarters 0 6 79205 - Charge - Fairfield Lathrop - Headquarters -534321 6 79210 - Charge - Turlock Lathrop - Headquarters -2055417.44 32 79210 - Dept Exp Allocation Lathrop - Distribution 0 128 79215 - Charge - Lathrop Lathrop - Headquarters -2704316.69 28 79220 - Standard Ice COGS Offset Lathrop - Distribution -10762578.16 86 79310 - Income Adj Lathrop - Distribution 79919.86 11 80110 - Interest Income Lathrop - Distribution -1482704.53 111 80110 - Interest Income Lathrop - Headquarters -80104.68 61 80110 - Interest Income Turlock -3451928.4 168 80114 - Interest Income - Money Mkt Lathrop - Headquarters -43859.27 10 80120 - Interest Expense Lathrop - Distribution 7288572.89 261 80120 - Interest Expense Lathrop - Headquarters 11744.97 47 80120 - Interest Expense Turlock 7054176.09 303 80240 - LIFO Adjustment Lathrop - Distribution 9548973 64 80810 - Production Turlock 0 28 80820 - Cold Box L&C Turlock -1.55E-11 28 80823 - Cold Box L&C - MM Turlock 0 4 80828 - Freezer L&C Turlock 0 4 80830 - Maint & Engineering Turlock 0 21 80832 - Gen Plant Services Turlock -2.91E-11 23 80834 - Quality Control & Lab Turlock 1.46E-11 21 80840 - Administration Turlock 0 23 80845 - Interest Expense Turlock -5.46E-12 14 81005 - I/C From HQ Lathrop - Distribution 844364.91 21 81010 - I/C From HR Lathrop - Distribution 1021879.78 14 81015 - I/C From MIS Lathrop - Distribution 1682436.91 14 81020 - SSI Shared Services Charge Lathrop - Distribution 29272400.55 117 81020 - SSI Shared Services Charge Turlock 14191244.67 50 89000 - Direct Labor Absorption at Std Turlock -7485742.86 16471 89001 - Direct Labor Absorption Clearing Turlock -61797.81 88957 91010 - Cs Sold Turlock 0 39405 91020 - Ea Sold Turlock 0 39390 91030 - Lb Sold Turlock 0 38850 91040 - Ga Sold Turlock 0 18628 91050 - Pallet Sold Turlock 0 13963 91901 - Cs Sold - Partner Dividendable Turlock 0 6 91902 - Cs Sold - Partner Non-Dividendable Turlock 0 6 92010 - Cs Produced Turlock 0 9152 92020 - Ea Produced Turlock 0 9119 92030 - Lb Produced Turlock 0 7388 92040 - Ga Produced Turlock 0 6012 94010 - Cs Redistributed Turlock 0 20 95050 - Pallet Stored Turlock 0 5 99999 - Error account Lathrop - Distribution 0 10 99999 - error account Lathrop - Headquarters 0 8 99999 - Misc Account Turlock 96.19 105 Unknown Lathrop - Headquarters 0 58 Unknown Fairfield 0 4 Unknown Mid Valley Dairy - Leasing 4.66E-09 55 Unknown Turlock 0 58